Monday, December 11, 2006

Crushing the Holy Trinity

Crushing the Holy Trinity is a set of three splits named Crushing the Holy Trinity (Father), Crushing the Holy Trinity (Son), and Crushing the Holy Trinity (Holy Spirit), made by the Black Metal bands Deathspell Omega, Stabat Master, Musta Surma, Clandestine Blaze, Mg³a, and Exordium. All the songs are in one folder here, so here is the track listing so you know how to arrange it all:

1. Deathspell Omega - "Diabolus Absconditus"
2. Stabat Mater - "Above Him"

1. Musta Surma - "Kalpeina Helvetin Tulessa"
2. Musta Surma - "Ruton Ruhtinas"
3. Musta Surma - "Han On Pimeys"
4. Musta Surma - "Valkeuden Hauras Tuhka"
5. Clandestine Blaze - "Intro"
6. Clandestine Blaze - "Destroyer Of Nations"
7. Clandestine Blaze - "Trophy"
8. Clandestine Blaze - "Behind The Faith"

Holy Spirit
1. Mg³a - Power And Will I
2. Mg³a - Power And Will II
3. Mg³a - Power And Will III
4. Mg³a - Power And Will IV
5. Exordium - Ei Toivottu Vieras (Intro)/Tyrannia Martyrum
6. Exordium - Craving Vehemence
7. Exordium - Unevangel

Great thanks to Michelle for uploading this for me and the rest of the dudes at Gaia, and for giving me permission to put it up on my blog. :)


Crushing the Holy Trinity (2005)

1 comment:

The Death Trip said...

Thanx very much for this it's an unfoudable !!!!
Respect and happy blog

Check my blog =)
I'll add your site.